Monday, September 7, 2015

Radial Name Design = Project 1

First fold your paper diagonally- notice this works with a square piece of paper rather rectangular
Fold 2- fold first triangle in half
Fold 3- This is your last fold

Use pencil to write your name in the triangle- FILL the triangle with your name- get creative with the lettering. Look at all the varieties of letters here.
  Outline in Sharpie
  Open your paper - now you are ready to trace
You will have your name 8 times, 4 times it will be right side up, 4 times you will have the MIRROR IMAGE of your original name design.

Now fold your name design in half

Use the window if needed to see.

You're halfway there!
Open it up to reveal your design!
Now it's time to add the color- USE THE MARKER COLORING TECHNIQUE and Make sure the color is symmetrical all the way around (radially)


Turn in work to folder when finished.  Complete a Self Evaluation in your packet. Thank you!

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