Thursday, May 5, 2016

Finishing up for the Art Show


1. Finish any clay work you have started
2. Finish any additional artworks that is are on the class shelf
3. Create a label- NEATLY- include your name, month, and year that art was made. NEATLY- labels go on the wall/background paper- not on the artwork please.
4. Clean up for five minutes- 
5. Come to the Art Show- Invite friends and family from 5-7 tonight

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Glazing techniques

1. Colors will look dull/matte before being fired.

2. Layer or mix glazes on your clay piece, however please do not mix in the cups/bottles of glaze. 

3. 3 layers- - -glaze should be applied thick

4. Do not glaze the bottom, wipe away any glaze that got on the bottom with a sponge

Green ware.                                                              Bisque fired 
Glaze Fired

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Black History/ Activist Art

In celebration of Black History Month students chose an Iconic African American figure to parallel their own identity with. Students investigated ways of symbolizing the similarities and differences of their icon to themselves. They explored varieties of media and overcame the struggle of the process of  experimentation. Students took ownership over their work and reflected upon their investigation of self and artistry through writing and critique. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Architecture and Interior Design

Architects design buildings,this includes where windows will be located, how the light will be in each room,what size each room will be, how the building looks on the outside and the rooms will look are a few architect drawings

Interior Designers choose the furnishings, paint colors, art, and decorations to compliment the building and room spaces. Here are a few interior design drawings.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


In studying op art we have learned that through the precise use of line, shape, value, pattern, we can create an illusion of space. Check out the Art curator for kids site that shows many different ways that artists represent soace in thier work:

Friday, October 30, 2015


 Optical Illusion Art

Famous Op Artists:
Victor Vasarely
MC Escher
Bridget Riley

 Have you tried this before? Maybe in junior high or elementary school- this is an example of op art.